High carbon

Low carbon

Stainless steel

Cleaning and Lubricant Coating Machine

The Cleaning and Lubricant Coating Machine optimises the dry wire drawing process by providing a superior lubricant coating. Residual scales are rinsed off effectively with hot water for smooth, perfectly prepared wire.

Effective three-step process:

  1. Hot water jet to remove loose particles
  2. Wet coating application of lubricant carrier
  3. Drying

Key Features

  • In-line lubricant carrier coating unit, strategically placed in front of the drawing machine to enhance wire lubrication in the dry wire drawing process.
  • The unit is completely built in stainless steel for long-lasting performance.
  • A paper belt filter continuously removes oxide particles from the hot water, maintaining consistent lubricant quality.
  • An ingenious Archimedes mechanical pump ensures reliable lubricant circulation without the need for maintenance.
  • Robust and durable electrical heaters deliver consistent temperatures for optimal lubricant performance.
  • High-pressure hot water eliminates loose particles from the wire surface, enhancing lubricant adhesion.
  • The lubricant coating section seamlessly handles both modern lubricant carriers and common borax carriers.

Technical Data

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Wire diameter:

5.5 -12mm

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Min. Ambient temperature:

4° C

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Max. Ambient temperature:

50° C

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Pneumatic pressure:

max. 6 bar

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Air humidity:

Less than 75%

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Wire speed:

2-4 m/s

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